Drop-off locations for handmade blankets
So we know who made the generous donation and may acknowledge your contribution,
Please include a note with each bag indicating:
your name
or phone number
or e-mail address
number of donated blankets. Please put like-type blankets in the same bag:
tied fleece
crochet edge fleece and braided edge fleece
knit and crochet
All dropped off blankets must be bagged to keep them clean and dry (large plastic trash bags work well for multiple blankets).
No scented trash bags (allergy issues)
No cardboard boxes please
San Jose, CA
Fillory Yarn
(formerly Green Planet Yarn)
1702 Meridian Ave. Suite H
San Jose CA 95125
Owner: Andrea Haws
Ray's Sewing Machine Center
545-F Meridian Ave.
San Jose CA 95126
Owner: Ken Gresham
Ask for Lindsay or Joanne
Gail Geiszler
1738 Hudson Drive
San Jose CA 95124
(leave bagged donations on porch and ring doorbell as leaving)
Morgan Hill, CA
Quilts and Things
16985 Monterey St. #316
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Contact: Laurie Perez