Thank Yous
Dear Barbara and members of the Project Linus team,
Thank you for your donation of no sew blankets for our shelter families. You are a generous and valued member of our community.
Our mission at Family Supportive Housing is to guide families from homelessness into self-sufficiency. We’d like you to know that your thoughtfulness is truly helping make a difference.
Liz R. from Family Supportive Housing
My 13-year old son was at Valley Medical Hospital overnight in early April. The blanket from Project Linus gave him great comfort. because it felt like a little taste of home in an otherwise stark hospital room.
He is doing fine now, and we have kept the blanket as a reminder of the generosity of all the strangers that helped him after his accident.
The name on the tag was "Lisa." Please let her know how grateful we are.
Dear Barbara and the Project Linus team,
On behalf of the families and staff of Family Supportive Housing, we extend our gratitude for your no sew blanket donation delivery on January 11th.
Our mission here at Family Supportive Housing is to guide families from homelessness into self-sufficiency. We want to thank all the members of our community who have helped us make this goal possible.
You make a difference!
Jessamine Loera
Volunteer Coordinator
Family Supportive Housing
To Barbara R and the Project Linus San Jose, CA Chapter:
On July 4, 2020 my daughter, Dara, and I flew from Hilo, Hawaii so that she could be examined at the Lucille Packard Children’s Medical Center at Stanford for her epilepsy. It was a trying time as she was taken off her medication so that she could be monitored for seizures to see if she is a good candidate for surgery. The testing took longer than planned and was physically and emotionally draining for Dara. When we were released on July 21 we were allowed to stay at the Ronal McDonald House at Stanford to recover and receive outpatient treatment. We stayed there until July 21, 2020. Upon arrival at the RMH Dara was given a welcome RMH bag that included a Project Linus blanket. That was a pleasant surprise for Dara. Dara was able to use the blanket at the RMH, on or flight home and it remains in our living room in our home in Hilo. We are grateful for the blanket but more importantly the kind gesture and show of love and aloha for Dara and all of the keiki (children) that you touch.
Darien Nagata (mother of Dara)
On Friday September 6th, my son was involved in an accident and broke both of his arms, got a concussion and a broken tooth. He was seen at Kaiser Santa Clara and was admitted for emergency surgery to have his arms surgically repaired. When we arrived on the pediatric unit, we were both scared, cold and tired. The charge nurse brought over one of your blankets made by Megan Rose H and wrapped it around my son. The blanket followed him to surgery the next morning and kept me warm while I waited for his surgery to end. It has accompanied him on every follow appointment and during his cast application. I just wanted to thank you for giving us some comfort during such a stressful time. We will always keep it close.
Janine B.
Dear Sharon and Project Linus Team,
On behalf of The Auxiliary of Good Samaritan Hospital, thank you very much for the handmade
blankets that have been crocheted and knitted to comfort the little ones. The families are happy
to take them home as they leave the hospital.
Please thank all the wonderful volunteers who spent their time making these blankets with such
love and care. The blankets will give these babies a warm hug and give comfort to them.
The Auxiliary of Good Samaritan Hospital is a non-profit organization, which is proud to serve the
needs of others through compassionate, professional services to patients, families and staff. For
your records, our non-profit ID is 94-6099-635.
Again, thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Denise Dulin
Dear Project Linus, This message is long overdue. I wanted to say a heartfelt thank you for the beautiful patchwork quilt my 3yr old son received while in the pediatric unit at Santa Clara Kaiser hospital. The quilt was made by a super talented Marilyn N. and given to us from Michele Hug in the Child Life unit. After a couple of long nights in the ER and then days in the hospital following, my son and I were exhausted and overwhelmed and a bit traumatized in hindsight to be honest. However the overwhelming emotional support we received by the hospital staff and Project Linus was a true blessing and bright spot in the whole ordeal. My son, I’m happy to report, is doing better. Still recovering but thankfully has avoided another stay in the hospital. He is usually a spunky, funny, energetic little guy and I’m so happy to see his smile come back. The quilt adorns his new big boy bed and he loves to name all the characters he knows - and point out new characters, animals, & more too! He also loves trains so the opposite side is just as perfect. Thank you, thank you for a gift we hope to keep forever and pass down through the familu. Much love to the Project Linus team for such thoughtful, compassionate work. Happy Holidays and many blessings to all!
Dear members of Project Linus,
From the families and staff at Family Supportive Housing, thank you for your generous donation of no-sew blankets. Your act of kindness leaves a huge impact on our community, and we are thrilled to have your support!
Liz, Family Supportive Housing Community Resources Manager
Hi my name is Leslie West,
I'm a care giver for now 2 siblings that were in the NICU in Good Samaritan Hospital, I received 2 beautiful blankets from your organization, they are absolutely appreciated & welcoming for our new little one. One of the boys was born last year, and the other is now 4 weeks old, and both doing well.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for these thoughtful gifts
Hats off to the Linus Project San Jose chapter.
I just want to say thank you to all the volunteers at Project Linus San Jose. My 14 year old daughter recently was admitted to Lucille Packard. She was absolutely touched and comforted to receive a blanket that was on the bed the second she walked in the door. Thank you so much for caring about the community. Project Linus is part of the healing process one goes through in the hospital.
Thank you Project Linus and thank you to Zoe W. for the thoughtful blanket!
Sara Balli
My name is Kelley Nora. My Social Worker Porshia Butler picked up baby blankets made by Linda Lemos Myles and Barbara R. for my son Eli from your Chapter.
I wanted to thank you so very much.
God bless you all
Mrs. Kelley Nora
Dear Project Linus, Thank you! For helping us make a difference in the lives of the patients and families we serve. Thank you for your generous donation to our hospital. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center & O’Connor Hospital Volunteer services
Dear Project Linus and “Someone Who Cares,”
My name is Nicola B-A and my daughter, Charlize, was admitted to the Pediatric ICU at Santa Clara Kaiser on Wednesday, March 11. After a very long and stressful transfer from Daly City Kaiser, we arrived to our room to find what could not have been the most unexpected and welcoming surprise - a blanket which could have been hand picked for Charlie! She was feeling quite awful, and as soon as she walked in she said, “I love this blanket! It’s my favorite everything!” The nurse very happily let her know it was hers to take and it was made especially for her. This is more than a gift and your blanket made with care and love has helped her heal. She snuggled into it and felt instantly comfortable and at home. I cannot express my gratitude as a parent, and I have made a small donation online, which is nothing compared to what you have given us. Thank you for healing others with your kindness.
My deepest gratitude,
Nicola B-A
Thank you for the lovely blankets we received for our twins during their stay at the El Camino Mountain View NICU in January this year. It was really a lovely to have something handmade providing them cover from the bright lights. We have continued to use them at home. Many thanks,
I just wanted to send mama “p” a thank you for the blanket. My son loved it. Given we were transferred from south San Francisco Kaiser we came with what we had in the ER. It definitely reminded him of his blanket at home and is keeping us both warm during our stay.
Hannah Gorospe
Thank you for your thoughtfulness in creating these beautiful quilts for our Headstart kiddos. They loved them and my little guy was so excited to receive his blanket "hug". Your work is priceless and will forever be a special keepsake for him to have and to hold.
Take care and wishing you all a very blessed Holiday Season,
Elena Dritsas, (Mom)
Headstart Edenvale 1. Hannah Gorospe
Dear Project Linus Team,
Family Supportive Housing is so grateful to you for your regular generous donation of blankets. Your donation helps our families know that people care about them. Thank you for your kindness and keeping the families comfy!
With gratitude,
Family Supportive Housing
Thank you so much for donating the beautifully quilted blanket to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. My daughter, Blake, recently experienced a traumatic burn on her hand and arm and has been visiting the hospital weekly for dressing changes. Today was a particularly challenging day for her, but a kind nurse gave her the blanket when she mentioned feeling cold. It not only provided her with physical warmth but also became a source of emotional comfort, which she needed most in that moment. We are deeply grateful for your generosity and kindness.
With love and gratitude,
Joji Maekawa & Lori Kozen
Hi, I just wanted to give you all a great big THANK YOU for the sweet blanket that was left on my daughters bed for her arrival at Kaiser Santa Clara. It made the biggest difference in her room to be kid friendly and she was so excited to see it after having such a rough week and then ending up in the hospital. You all are angels. Please let the volunteers know we are so grateful and that what they’re doing makes a difference.
Regards, Lena & Carmella